27 July 2020 - 6 August 2020
An Online Zoom Conference
Truth 20/20
Monday, 27 July
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Adam Podlaskowski
Wittgenstein on Truth
Paul Horwich (New York University)
Why is Truth So Elusive
María Jose Frapolli (University of Granada | University College London)
Directionality for Minimalism: A Piecemeal Approach
Susanna Melkonian-Altshuler (University of Connecticut)
Tuesday, 28 July
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Joe Ulatowski
History of Early Analytic Theories of Truth:
"De Veritate: Austro-Polish Contributions to the Theory of Truth from Brentano to Tarski" 30 Years Later
Jan Woleński & Peter Simons
Analysis of Concepts from Brentano to Tarski: Austro-Polish Contributions to Methodology of Philosophy
Anna Brożek (University of Warsaw)
Judgements as Bearers of Truth
Maria van der Schaar (Leiden University) [SLIDES]
Reminiscence and comments by Jan WoleÅ„ski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) and Peter Simons (Trinity College, Dublin)
Thursday, 30 July
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Chase Wrenn
Propositions and their Truth Conditions
Arvid Båve (University of Kent / Stockholm University)
An Inferentialist Redundancy Theory of Truth
Marcus Rossberg (University of Connecticut)
Thursday, 30 July | Friday, 31 July
19:00PM EDT
12:00AM BST +1day
1:00AM CEST +1day
8:00AM KST +1day
9:00AM AEST +1day
Joe Ulatowski
Smoke and Flickering Shadows: Strawson and Evans on Truth and Factuality
Huw Price (University of Sydney / Cambridge University)
Discussion Panelists:
Douglas Edwards (Utica College)
Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto)
Amie Thomasson (Dartmouth College)
Monday, 3 August
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Chase Wrenn
Author Meets Critics:
Douglas Edwards' The Metaphysics of Truth
Nathan Kellen (Kansas State University)
Michael Lynch (University of Connecticut)
David Taylor (University of Minnesota)
Douglas Edwards (Utica College)
Tuesday, 4 August
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Bob Barnard
Author Meets Critics:
Cheryl Misak's Frank Ramsey: Sheer Excess of Powers
Simon Blackburn (UNC / Cambridge University)
Jennifer Hornsby (Birbeck College, London)
Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto) [HANDOUTS]
Thursday, 6 August
10:00AM EDT
15:00PM BST
16:00PM CEST
11:00PM KST
12:00AM AEST +1day
Morning Tea Social Hour
Recap of the conference
Discussions regarding the Future of Truth project at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute
An Introduction to the Virtual International Consortium for Truth Research